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Myths and Monsters title card 5 png blan

Project Credits: 


Directors- Jake Celecia & Ben Goulding


Assistant Facilitators- Miles Clayton-Foster and Emma Goulding


Term Dates-

Saturday 26th September- Saturday 12th December (exc. Saturday 24th October). 



£80 for the term (£8 per session x 10 weeks). 





The Chameleon Group returns with a bang, as we travel back in time to explore the Myths and Monsters of Ancient Greece!


Pegasus and Medusa, two of Ancient Greece's most legendary creatures...but what are their stories, and who had the best? One night, two squabbling gods decide to find out. From Perseus and his cunning plan to Bellaphron and the golden lasso, both myth and monster shall be brought to life like never before.  


In light of COVID-19 and the national lockdown, we will be adopting a new approach to delivering classes. For more information, please click here or get in touch with any questions!

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